

FlorenceI set off in the direction of Florence with my oldest daughter on the 28th. February. In my Private Travel Guide, I wrote about the best aperitif of my life, that I had in February 2005, and exactly HERE in this district is where we had landed - San Niccolo  - just about 1 ½ bridges east of the Ponte Vecchio, directly beneath the Piazzale Micchelangiolo -  2 experiences should be mentioned here:

28th. February: at midday while we were on our way to the town, I showed my daughter the „in“ restaurant Il Rifrullo at the bottom of the steps to the Piazzale Micchelangiolo, and we decided that we would eat there in the evening on our way back if we didn’t find anything better.  We did not find anything better, because it rained all the time and we ran from one pavement to the other in the hope that houses would shield us from the rain. And so we arrived soaking wet in Il Rufrillo and I ordered a table for later.  We ran the 170 steps up to the Piazzale where our car was parked, (free parking !) freshened ourselves up and put on dry shoes.  Then we made our way to the cigarette smoke free Il Rufrillo with it’s open fire place and made ourselves comfy. SUPER delicious food, great wines and everything can be really enjoyed because it is affordable, and that in the lovely companionship of a charming young girl, my daughter.

If you would like to know more, then please follow this Link...


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